Trudeau Smells Fart Through Mask, Falls To Ground Declares Truckers Using Chemical Warfare
In a shocking turn of events, Justin Trudeau, while giving a speech on the floor of parliament, suddenly turned his head, sniffed the air, and violently fell to the ground.
In a shocking turn of events, Justin Trudeau, while giving a speech on the floor of parliament, suddenly turned his head, sniffed the air, and violently fell to the ground.
"The truckers are attacking! The truckers are attacking! It's chemical warfare," cried the Prime minister as fellow lawmakers looked around confused! The chamber had only contained a handful of other members of parliament, security, and reporters which led to further confusion.
Trudeau rolled around on the floor for several minutes while the bewildered legislators called for paramedics. Once on the scene, first responders examined the Prime Minister and found nothing wrong with the leader.
Later, in a statement, Trudeau declared a 'false alarm' and said that his intelligence turned out to be bad. He admits that he had smelt something that led to his panic and eventually realized that there was no threat and that he had in fact dealt it.
Trudeau had been seen eating a boatload of spicy poutine earlier that day.
* It's Satire Stupid! 🤡